Investing in 2025: capital markets remain constructive

Current analysis of Emerging Markets

Current development of megatrends equities

Are high-yield bonds still attractive?

Based in Vienna, we manage portfolios for investors in Austria, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Many of our institutional investors are banks, companies, foundations, insurance companies, pension funds, chambers, church institutions and consultants.

Focus on Core Competencies

We stand for the ongoing development of outstanding expertise in the arears of sustainability, global emerging markets, European bonds and multi asset strategies.

Our range of products

Our range of services includes customized investment solutions such as segregated accounts as well as a broad range of services and reporting. Each investment solution covers a specific asset class and a clearly defined market segment, so that different risk-return profiles can be clearly distinguished.

  • mutual funds with institutional tranches

  • individually structured special funds

  • advisory mandates

  • fund administration

  • master funds

Our service and reporting offer:

  • personal key account manager:in or client relationship manager

  • regular meetings and conferences

  • personal investment committee meetings with the portfolio managers

  • periodic product and market reporting

  • individual client reporting

  • exclusive access to our log-in portal for institutional clients, with daily updated fund data and analyses