Oznake kvalitete potvrđuju visoku kvalitetu

Ulaganje u fondove je stvar povjerenja

Jasno je – kvaliteta fonda ili investicijskog društva važan je kriterij za donošenje odluka i može biti od pomoći pri traženju fonda. Ali kako investitori mogu ocijeniti tu kvalitetu? Koji su kriteriji presudni? Nagrade i oznake kvalitete vanjskih institucija mogu ovdje pružiti relevantne tragove.

Što nagrade i oznake kvalitete čini toliko vrijednima?

  • Oni nude neovisan, kritičan pogled izvana.

  • Temelje se ne samo na kvantitativnim kriterijima, već i na opsežnim kvalitativnim analizama dotičnog zajmodavca.

  • Ovisno o nagradi ili pečatu kvalitete, ne radi se samo o uspješnosti fonda, već o investicijskom procesu, upravljačkom timu ili čak investicijskom društvu u cjelini.

  • Oni pružaju informacije o tome kakav je fond ili investicijsko društvo u usporedbi s nacionalnom ili međunarodnom konkurencijom.

Oznake kvalitete i certifikati

Austrijska ekološka oznaka
FNG oznaka
Raiffeisen Sustainable European Equities
Raiffeisen Sustainable EmergingMarkets Equities
Raiffeisen Sustainable US Equities
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FNG-Label 2023

FNG oznaka

Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG) s FNG oznakom postavlja standard kvalitete za održive investicijske fondove u zemljama njemačkog govornog područja.


Oznaka zaštite okoliša za održive financijske proizvode

Kriteriji odabira za sredstva eko-oznake jasno su definirani i provjeravaju ih unutarnja tijela fonda ili vanjske organizacije.


The Austrian Eco-label was awarded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Infrastructure & Technology (BMK) for the funds Raiffeisen-GreenBonds. Raiffeisen Sustainable ShortTerm. Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds, Raiffeisen Sustainable Solid, Raiffeisen Sustainable Mix, Raiffeisen Sustainable Growth, Raiffeisen Sustainable Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable European Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable Momentum, Raiffeisen Sustainable EmergingMarkets Equities, Klassik Nachhaltigkeit Mix, Raiffeisen SmartEnergy ESG Equities, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-ÖsterreichPlus-Aktien, Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Bond, Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable US Equities and Raiffeisen Sustainable EmergingMarkets LocalBonds because the selection of stocks and bonds considers economic as well as ecological and social criteria. The ecolabel ensures that these criteria and their implementation are suitable for selecting appropriate stocks and bonds. This has been verified by an independent body. The award of the eco-label does not represent an economic evaluation and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the future performance of the investment product.

Investments in funds are subject to the risk of price fluctuations and capital losses. Due to the low or negative yields that currently prevail on capital markets, the interest income in the funds Raiffeisen-GreenBonds, Raiffeisen Sustainable ShortTerm, Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds and Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Bonds is currently – and with high probability in the near future as well – insufficient to cover the running costs. It is not possible to make reliable, long-term forecasts in view of the incalculable factors regarding future market developments. The investment strategy permits the funds Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds and Raiffeisen Sustainable European Equities to predominantly (relative to the associated risk) invest in derivatives. The funds Raiffeisen SmartEnergy ESG Equities, Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable Growth, Raiffeisen Sustainable Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable European Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable Momentum, Raiffeisen Sustainable EmergingMarkets Equities, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-ÖsterreichPlus-Aktien and Raiffeisen Sustainable US Equities exhibit elevated volatility, meaning that unit prices can move significantly higher or lower in short periods of time, and it is not possible to rule out loss of capital. The funds Raiffeisen Sustainable Diversified and Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds accept higher risk and aims for better performance than a money market investment. The Fund Regulations of the funds Klassik Nachhaltigkeit Mix, Raiffeisen Sustainable Diversified, Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds and Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Bonds have been approved by the FMA. The Klassik Nachhaltigkeit Mix and the Raiffeisen PAXetBONUM Bonds may invest more than 35% of the fund's volume in securities/money market instruments of the following issuers: Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland. The Raiffeisen Sustainable Diversified fund may invest more than 35% of its volume in bonds of the following issuers: France, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain. The Raiffeisen Sustainable Bonds may invest more than 35% of the fund's volume in securities/money market instruments of the following issuers: France, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Finland, Germany.