Invest in US equities
Rising bond yields, uncertainties about the new Trump administration and in some cases very high valuations are creating headwinds, but parts of the US equity market still appear promising.
Why invest in Emerging Market equities?
For a long time, investments in Emerging Markets provided investors with above-average returns. However, over the last 15 years, only a few Emerging Markets have managed to do so, especially in the equity markets. Are the good times now returning?
Current development of megatrends equities
Megatrend equities have experienced several volatile and at times challenging years, much like the stock markets in general. In the meantime, the globally invested megatrend equity fund has significantly recovered from the downward corrections of previous years. What is the current situation and what prospects are there for the coming years?
Invest in high-tech equties
Is success guaranteed when you invest in “high-tech” equities? One might be tempted to think so, since high tech is the sector with the strongest long-term growth in turnover and profits. But it’s just not that simple. Find out what's behind it here.
Sektor s priložnostmi za trajnostno rast
Pred nekaj leti smo spoznali, da je podpora preobrazbi v podnebno nevtralnost ključna točka pri odgovornem investiranju. Zato smo določili sedem področij, na katera ta preobrazba zelo močno vpliva, in se nanje osredotočili kot na Tema prihodnjega preoblikovanja: Eno od teh področij je energetski megatrend.
A golden age for healthcare equities?
Healthcare equities are regarded as "defensive" (i.e. less dependent on economic cycles) investments. However, anyone who equates this with boredom or even lower return opportunities is completely mistaken. The fund Raiffeisen Health and Wellbeing ESG Equities has been unlocking the return potential of the healthcare sector for investors who are willing to accept the risks associated with equity investments for many years – and it does so sustainably!
How are Emerging Markets developing?
The past few weeks have been quite a ride: First, China surprised with the announcement of major stimulus packages, which led to a sharp short-term rise in Chinese equities. At the end of October, the much-anticipated summit of the BRICS+ countries took place. At the beginning of November, there was another striking event with Donald Trump's surprisingly clear election victory. This time, we are focusing our update on China.
Scope Rating: AAA for Raiffeisen Capital Management
Since 2022, Scope has awarded Raiffeisen Capital Management a "AAA" rating for its excellent quality and expertise in the management of sustainable fund strategies. The renowned German rating agency last confirmed the AAA rating in August 2024.
Naši skladi in investicijske rešitve
Naj bo izbor naših skladov še tako raznolik, imajo vsi (skoraj) eno skupno lastnost: upravljamo jih v skladu z visokimi trajnostnimi standardi.
Vzajemni skladi
Široka paleta (trajnostnih) skladov
Varčevanje v skladih
Kako deluje varčevanje v skladih in kaj šteje. To je način delovanja!
Megatrendi vplivajo na ves svet in ustvarjajo nove naložbene priložnosti.
Kako želite vložiti svoj denar?
Skladi Raiffeisen Capital Management ponujajo široko paleto naložbenih priložnosti in vsebinskih usmeritev.
Osredotočenost na trajnost
Osredotočenost na Zukunfts-Themen
Prihranki sklada
Osredotočenost na sklade z učinkom
Investirajte globalno
Investirajte v nastajajoče trge
Investirajte v Vzhodni Evropi
Investirajte v Evropo
Investiranje v euroobmočju
Investirajte v Severno Ameriko
Investiranje v Aziji
Informacije o vseh skladih in zakonsko zahtevanih dokumentih skladov, cenah in obveznih publikacijah so na voljo v razdelku „Cene in dokumenti“.
Želite izvedeti več o skladih in investicijah?
Trajnostno investiranje
Trajnost ključnih kompetenc
Finančna pismenost - vse o skladih
Kaj je sklad? Kateri skladi obstajajo in kaj morate upoštevati pri investiranju?
Kako se razvijajo razmere na kapitalskih trgih? Kako ocenjujemo trenutne razmere?