"The wall of worry“
Star borzni pregovor pravi, da se na močnih bikovskih trgih tečaji delnic zvišujejo kljub negativnim novicam in različnim dejavnikom tveganja. Delniški trgi se torej vzpenjajo po zidu strahu in skrbi. Leto 2024 bo že zdaj verjetno še en primer tega pojava.
Invest in high-tech equities
Is success guaranteed when you invest in “high-tech” equities? One might be tempted to think so, since high tech is the sector with the strongest long-term growth in turnover and profits. But it’s just not that simple.
Equity markets in Central and Eastern Europe are picking up speed again
The stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe suffered greatly from the war in Ukraine, especially in 2022. Last year, a noticeable recovery set in from April, which accelerated further in some markets. This was due to the stabilization of energy prices and security of supply.
Megatrend Renewable Energy
Renewable energy, especially solar and wind power, are playing an increasingly important role in the global energy landscape. In recent years, however, many equities from this field have come under intense pressure, after share prices for companies involved in this business area had sometimes risen sharply. Is the party over? Or is right now a good time to enter this market segment?
Current developments in the Emerging Markets
This year, there has been no talk of a summer lull in the financial markets. At the beginning of August, equity markets, particularly in Japan and the USA, experienced a significant decline, although it lasted only a few days. This was triggered by weaker US economic data and a nearly simultaneous slight interest rate hike in Japan. However, a strong recovery followed immediately. After a brief pause, this recovery has continued into September.
Megatrend Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is currently a hot topic of discussion. This software is seen as a milestone in artificial intelligence (AI). What long belonged to the realm of science fiction is now becoming reality. ChatGPT writes and analyses texts, poems, jokes, role playing games, and even programming code. And it is constantly learning in the process.
Participate in economic recovery with Eastern European bonds
Bonds and currencies in Central and Eastern Europe were hit very hard in 2022, but then rebounded significantly over the past year. How is the outlook for the region shaping up for 2024?
A good time to enter the high yield bond market?
High yield bonds (i.e. bonds from issuers with lower ratings, thus making them riskier) have been a sought-after investment instrument for a long time. Last year, they were among the best performers on the bond markets. Are they still worth investing in?
Naši skladi in investicijske rešitve
Naj bo izbor naših skladov še tako raznolik, imajo vsi (skoraj) eno skupno lastnost: upravljamo jih v skladu z visokimi trajnostnimi standardi.
Vzajemni skladi
Široka paleta (trajnostnih) skladov
Varčevanje v skladih
Kako deluje varčevanje v skladih in kaj šteje. To je način delovanja!
Megatrendi vplivajo na ves svet in ustvarjajo nove naložbene priložnosti.
Kako želite vložiti svoj denar?
Skladi Raiffeisen Capital Management ponujajo široko paleto naložbenih priložnosti in vsebinskih usmeritev.
Osredotočenost na trajnost
Osredotočenost na Zukunfts-Themen
Prihranki sklada
Osredotočenost na sklade z učinkom
Investirajte globalno
Investirajte v nastajajoče trge
Investirajte v Vzhodni Evropi
Investirajte v Evropo
Investiranje v euroobmočju
Investirajte v Severno Ameriko
Investiranje v Aziji
Informacije o vseh skladih in zakonsko zahtevanih dokumentih skladov, cenah in obveznih publikacijah so na voljo v razdelku „Cene in dokumenti“.
Želite izvedeti več o skladih in investicijah?
Trajnostno investiranje
Trajnost ključnih kompetenc
Finančna pismenost - vse o skladih
Kaj je sklad? Kateri skladi obstajajo in kaj morate upoštevati pri investiranju?
Kako se razvijajo razmere na kapitalskih trgih? Kako ocenjujemo trenutne razmere?